Still no pictures. I'm waiting for my brother Jay to work out the kinks with my media stuff. I can't download pic's, listen to cd's, or watch movies on my puter, but hopefully soon. He's down in Texas with my mom and my sister right now. Our Aunt Elayne past away and they are attending the funeral. That leaves my father at home taking care of everything including the animals. I'm a little worried because he has already admitted to forgetting to feed the fish and leaving the water on the plants all night, but other than that I think it's going as well as can be expected.
Raegan is as cute as ever. She has started getting a flippant personality. The other day I was sitting on the couch with my feet up and she crawled over stood herself up and bit me on the toe really hard. She has also started to throw fits. She was upset because we were getting ready to put her to bed and so I decided to read a book with her and when I handed her the book she grabbed it and threw it across the room. I was shocked and of course blamed it all on her father, who obviously passed down the poor behavior. ha ha Ok, we all know she got it from me. so what