Saturday, January 17, 2009


I'm sorry Keith and I are so lame. We're not very good at this blog thing and probably never will be so now that you know you won't be disappointed. I'm guessing there is no shock on any ones faces hearing that.
There's not much to report except that we got some family photos taken and will be posting them in the next few days. My brother in law is a photographer in Safford and we're making a trip up there on Monday and will have some good photos of our beautiful baby for everyone to see.
It's a possibility that Keith and I might be moving to Safford depending on the job situation so we'll let everyone know what happens. Safford is about 4 hours Southeast of Wickenburg so that's kind of a bummer, but there is a college there and hopefully good jobs.
Raegan is doing great, she is getting pretty chubby, but I'm not surprised because now that momma is feeling good she is eating everything in sight. I'm going to have to get pregnant again just to keep the weight off. ha ha That was totally a joke, it hasn't been long enough for me to forget how miserable I was for nine months.

1 comment:

Liz Huntsman said...

NOT MUCH TO REPORT????? WHAT ABOUT THOSE OF US WHO NEVER GET TO SEE YOU? :) I'm so happy your posting again! I've thought about you guys so much.