Monday, February 23, 2009

Sick and Tired

I just thought I would mention that I'm having the worst time of it. My Gallbladder has stones in it and it's giving me a lot of pain. I had a bad attack the other night and since then everytime I eat it hurts. I haven't eaten anything with fat in it and it's still giving me problems. I've been having to take the vicoden the doctor prescribe because of the pain, but the vicoden makes me really sleepy so it's been kind of rough with the baby. I feel like I'm not producing enough milk because eating hurts. I've been drinking quite a bit so I think shes getting enough. Now I'm working on doing a flush which is supposed to get rid of all the stones in your gallbladder and liver. So we're crossing our fingers. If this flush works I won't have to get my gallbladder removed. Ok I'm done complaining


Ruth said...

You look incredible Kaelie and Raegan is adorable. We really enjoy your pictures and watching her grow.
I don't know if you remember, but I was really sick with gall stones all the years having our last 5 children. I didn't want surgery. But, finally I went in one evening and had the 'lab scope?? with 3 little holes and I walked out the next day and went to a class I was taking. Don't live in misery like I did....the surgery is a cinch, and believe me, I had lots of stones and huge ones. Love, Aunt Ruth

Liz Huntsman said...

That just sucks! I was hoping that you wouldn't have any more pain after your pregnancy!!!! What a horrible thing to have to go through! I'm so sorry!

I'm sure you have enough milk ... but being in pain will stress your body, not eating (like you said), and medications all can contribute to loss of milk (or a decrease anyway). :( Bummer! I'm with my Mom ... I think you should have the surgery and feel good! :) I'm praying that the cleanse worked though ... let us know!!!