Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hey everyone,
Just a quick update. Raegan got her 4 month shots and a cold all around the same time, but she's been relatively happy considering. She's 13 lb., 12 oz. and 24 and a half inches long. The doc said she above average in height, but below average in weight for how tall she is. If she was fussy all the time I would be worried, but she's not and it's not like I'm withholding food or anything, so I'm not too worried.
Keith is still at Rosewood and doing tile jobs on the side. He's been so busy, sometimes I feel like I don't have a husband anymore because I don't see him much.
I'm working the front desk at a women's spa called Health Nut on Saturdays and doing leather work during the week at home. Keith finished my tooling table and it works great!
So things have finally started going good for us, I was starting to wonder a little bit, but we're doing really good now. I have never really worried about having to find a job, it seemed like there was always one available, and I had kind of taken it for granted, but the economy being as it is right now really opened my eyes. I'm extremely grateful that Keith and I have been so blessed to have work. All I can say is keep paying your tithing!


lamack said...

Wow, that's awesome Kaelie. Not that you never see you husband, but that you guys are doing so well. I say "amen" to paying your tithing. I feel like we have been blessed too.

Liz Huntsman said...


I'm so happy that your working and enjoying it (I hope your getting paid what you deserve)! I really loved working when I had Tyler and I still miss it. I'd love to see some of the leather you work with! Take some pictures and post them on here for us to see. I'm also anxious to see some updated photos of your cutie!!!! How are you feeling?