Thursday, September 23, 2010

Catching Up

We finally got Internet on out computer today and I'm hoping to find more time to blog. There is much to catch up on, like my kids, and....ok, I guess there isn't a ton going on. I did have some minor surgery a few weeks ago and it went well. Also, I threw my first bridal shower a few weeks ago too and I think it turned out pretty good although parties aren't really my thing so I can't be sure. We got Keith's last sister married off which was a huge accomplishment, just kidding, none of his sisters lasted long after they went to college, they're all so tall and beautiful. If I wasn't related to them I probably wouldn't like them very much.
On a more depressing note.... I've been eating non stop, I think I've tripled my weight since Caleb was born. On a more positive note it's making me think about exercising and that's a start right?!!!


lamack said...

Wow Kaelie, I'm impressed! Three days in a row! It's fun to see what's going on with you!

Elissa said...

haha, i love this post. very funny.also i feel its important to tell you that i had a dream that you guys came to visit us. you were so happy to see me and raegan was so big and had french braids in her hair. but then i woke up and realized we now live in utah and we'll never see you again... sad.