Thursday, October 28, 2010

Don Juan

Ok, My husband dressed up for work today, and I can't show a picture yet because we're having a contest for Halloween, but I just want to say everyone is in for a treat. I also want to mention that his whole personality changes when he puts his costume on. He thinks he's irresistible. I also want to mention that he wanted to sleep in it last night, kinda like a little boy that wants to sleep in his superman cape, but you have to explain to him that you don't sleep in capes because they could choke you, instead I had to say, you can't sleep in your outfit because your wife won't sleep next to you. Soon everyone will see why. heh heh

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Caleb slept through the night!!! Well, he did wake up once, but I just let him cry for a few minutes and he went back to sleep. Yay!!! He's still asleep and it's almost 8. I find that when I tell people that my kids behave a certain way they continually make a liar out of me. Oh well, I'm not complaining.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

So much fun...........

Not much to report. I got to referee an eighth grade volleyball game the other day. I was really nervous, but it turned out not to be that big of a deal. It was one of those games where you were really excited if the ball actually got over the net, so my job wasn't too hard.
My husband has been gone hunting since Thursday, and I am worn out. I had the reffing thing, then the next day I watched a family members kids, which means I had 4 kids under the age of 4, and tomorrow I get to take my kids to church all by myself. It's going to be great. The last time I did that Caleb started freeking out and I ended up leaving Raegan by herself in sacrament meeting. Luckily she found a family to sit by. Just thinking about it makes me super excited for church tomorrow. I don't know if you caught the sarcasm, but that's what I was going for. Oh, and to top everything off, Caleb still doesn't sleep through the night. Ok, that about sums it up. Blogs are so great when you need to vent.
ta ta

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Funny Raegan

Raegan has been really silly lately. This picture doesn't look all that exciting, but the way it happened was quite comical. She decided to lean on the top of the box, but the lid wasn't on tight and she fell through. The funny part though was that it was so deep that she couldn't get back out so she was yelling for help and Keith and I couldn't stop laughing. Then Keith took advantage of the situation and grabbed the camera and just kept telling her that he was coming so she wouldn't burst into tears.

This was just cute. My sister brought over a bunch of costume jewelry and she loved it. I can't wait until her cousin Katelyn comes over. They will have so much fun.

She's been doing this a lot lately. It's actually aggravating because she has already ripped two of the tabs off the bumper, but I thought I would get a picture and maybe I can use it to remind her what not to do.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My first canning

I learned how to can. It takes forever, but look how pretty.

We made apple pie filling, apple sauce, pear butter and apple butter. yummm

Friday, October 15, 2010

This was so cute. Earlier today I had Caleb on the floor and Raegan grabbed a book and started reading to him. It was so sweet. I could have died. I love my kids...most of the time.

Right now, both kids are in bed, which is amazingly nice, my husband is gone for the night at a scouting seminar, and I feel like I should take advantage of it somehow, but all I really want to do is grab my book and go to bed. What can I say, I know how to party.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Caleb trying to keep the light out

Raegan put together her own costume for Halloween

So, I've taken some videos of Raegan and Caleb, but for some reason haven't been able to get them to work. I'm guessing it's because they're too big, but if someone has any input on how to do it I would greatly appreciate it. I did get one to work and I'm not sure why, but it was a little shorter than the others so I think the size is the problem, but let me know if they're is a trick or something.
Anyway, here are some recent pics of the kids.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

i love u lissa

we tried, but she really wanted to watch word world.